Sunday, May 30, 2010


YAYYYY!!!!!! I finally finally feel like I can enjoy by summer now ^-^. The thoughtts of school are still there but they no longer haunt me. I've been partying (Nathaniel's party yesterday and then Katherine's party on the 12 of June ;D) and burying those thoughts. Now is the time for the commencement of rest of my life!

Which also means I'm starting to think more seriously about my future and get going through the stacks of work that I should have learned, but will now have to waste summer learning cause I didn't. But hey, work is good. Work means I can't think about other stuff...such as Sammy...and school...Ugh. And of course that just set my mind back on that. I'll go read some more manga to try keeping my mind off those little subjects there and maybe start planning Azn Fest V (or is it X?).

(For your health, only the fist and foremost paragraph is intended to be read. For those not strangers to rants, then know that the second paragraph is only to be read AT THE READER'S OWN RISK. Thank you very much for your business, come again.) ~The above warning is meant to be written in a slightly formal fashion as I have taken over my dear Yuanhan's advice in which he states that formal writing has often helped him fill, though often also ineffectively, the hole in his heart. As this is the method he has been relying on in recent times, I have chosen to do so also both for his above stated reason and as a show a support to him though also as a request that this unique technique will work. Au revior~

Cheers ;)

as if I can say that happily now...

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